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Angiography in the diagnosis of cardiac patients

Different methods are used to diagnose the blockage or occlusion of the heart arteries. Coronary angiography is known as the standard diagnostic method and allows the doctor to identify the location and severity of the narrowing or blockage in the heart arteries.

Coronary angiography is performed through the arteries of the arm or leg. Today, angiography is mostly performed through the arteries of the hand, which is due to fewer complications and a reduction in the patient’s hospitalization time.

  In angiography, the following steps are performed:

Using a needle, the blood vessels (arm or leg) are accessed and a thin wire (guide wire) is inserted into the artery. Then they insert the arterial disc into the vein and fix it.

A narrow tube called a catheter is directed to the coronary arteries of the heart at the beginning of the aorta with the help of X-rays and through the arterial sheath catheter and guide wire.

Then, the contrast material is injected into the coronary arteries and through the “high-pressure angiography tube” to image the arteries of the heart. If there is a narrowness or blockage in a part of the vein, it will be identified in the images.


 It should be noted that the quality of the high pressure tube is of great importance and if it is not of the desired quality, it will cause severe disruption in the angiography process. Gohar Shafa company has provided reassurance during angiography by producing 1200 psi “high pressure tube” made of quality materials.